Domino’s Pizza and Fiction

Domino (also spelled dominoes or domination) is a game that involves stacking a series of rectangular tiles, known as “men” or “pieces,” on top of one another in careful sequence. Each tile has two ends, each with a number of spots or dots (also called pips) ranging from six to blank. When a player successfully knocks over one of these pieces, it sets off a chain reaction that can result in tens of thousands more falling. The resulting display of dominoes, or Domino chains, has become popular at parties and other social events. People can also compete in domino shows, where builders set up elaborate, intricate displays that take several nail-biting minutes to fall.

The term is derived from the Latin verb “to dominate,” which means “to put in order.” It can also refer to an event or situation that has a positive effect on a person or something. For example, if a person wins the lottery, it is said to have domino effect because it will encourage others to purchase tickets as well.

The word domino is also used in fiction to refer to a series of events that affect one another, much like a chain reaction. When a writer is trying to construct a narrative, he or she often has a mental image of dominoes in mind. This analogy is useful because it helps the author hone in on the right scenes to include in a story and avoid over- or under-plotting the work.

While many writers use outlines or tools such as Scrivener to plot their novels, some choose to be pantsers and write freely on the page. Those who are pantsers can still benefit from the domino concept, which allows them to weed out scenes that may be at the wrong angle or don’t advance the story in a meaningful way. In the case of a Domino’s pizza, this could mean that a scene in which the main character discovers a clue isn’t connected enough to the one in which the character confronts the opposition.

Founded in Ypsilanti, Michigan, in 1963, Domino’s began franchising in 1967 and had more than 200 locations by 1978. The key to the company’s early success was putting its pizzerias near college campuses, where young adults would be most likely to stop in and pick up a quick bite to eat.

Domino’s powers are based on her ability to influence luck. The talent emanates from her body at all times, but she can only activate it by engaging in an action that is a matter of chance. As a result, her abilities are unconsciously controlled.

After the dissolution of the Six Pack, Domino joined the mutant mercenary Cable’s new X-Force team. Later, she had a volatile run-in with her old teammate, the Red Hulk, at a Hell’s Kitchen bar. She also had an encounter with the mutant assassin Blockade, who was possessed by the being known as Gryaznova. The encounter re-activated Domino’s luck power, which she used to disable the machine that was controlling Blockade and prevent him from attacking her.